World's biggest liar claims he's disgusted by lying
A man known these days as the world's biggest liar, Donald Trump, says he's disgusted by the lying media. The first president of Twitter said that "It's frankly disgusting the way the press is able to write whatever they want to write," adding in his usual professional tone as if he was talking to a dog, "Bad for the country!"
He said that in response to ... well, actually it doesn't matter what it was response to, as that's the Twitter bot's usual answer to any story he doesn't like in the media. Including all those 99% of the times when he's actually lying himself.
"The press should speak more honestly." As should the presidents! Although, while the press sometimes does get things wrong, this particular president usually comes out with his own made-up facts. So if he says that the press should speak more honestly, the press should answer that "You, Twitter bot, should simply stop lying, for starters."
"I mean, I've seen tremendously dishonest press," Trump said. "It's not even a question of distortion...And then they have their sources that don't exist." So a man who is tremendously dishonest, or actually simply lying most of the time, a man who is quoting sources that don't exist daily, or sources that are simply very, very wrong, asks for the press, which sometimes can get things wrong, to be less dishonest?
Obviously, in his mind, everyone talking crap about him are being dishonest and calls for networks licenses to be revoked. "Network news has become so partisan, distorted and fake that licenses must be challenged and, if appropriate, revoked," he said.
It's The Daily Bonk, but this fake news story is unfortunately true. Nobody can lie better than the president, we have to give him that.